2023 GRWB STEP Salmon Derby Results

Dan Vasquz landed this 26.6-pound Chinook opening morning of the derby. It held on to 1st place throughout the derby even though several larger fish were caught but not registered win the derby. He took home $650.00 in prize money for his catch.

Ryan took top honors and a $300.00 prize the largest Coho of the derby with his 14.5-pound catch.

Clayton Purkins landed two jack Chinook salmon, one at 2.2 pounds and this one at 2.0 pounds even. Winning him the $150.00 prize for the smallest legal salmon caught during the derby.

Heather Clardy drew the winning ticket for the 9.9 Yamaha outboard motor raffle. She was not present to pick up her prize but her Mother-in-law, Terri collected it for her.

The kayak package grand prize for the raffle went to Marsha Brice. Happy paddling Marsha.
Derby Pictures …