P.O. Box 235 Reedsport, Oregon 97467

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Salmon Trout Enhancement Programs

Joshua Heckathorn sentenced for Killing 15,000 Pre-Smolt

June 28th. FYI … Joshua Heckathorn, the fellow who killed over 15,000 of our pre-smolt by breaking into the hatchery and dumping a bottle of bleach in their rearing tank…
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State Proposes Closure of North Umpqua River Rock Creek Fish Hatchery

The Umpqua Fishery Enhancement Derby is extremely disappointed that ODFW is proposing to close Rock Creek Hatchery as a cost-cutting measure in its proposed budget. The agency has consistently assured…
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Class of 2024 Moved to Winchester Bay

June 5th. 2024 Pre-Smolt have reached enough maturity to be moved to Winchester Bay for acclimation. The fish are hand netted from rearing ponds and placed in a water filled…
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Pre-Smolt Killing Update

It appears that Mr. Joshua Heckathorn, the individual responsible for the killing of nearly 16,000 pre-smolt, has failed to appear for two court dates. He is just adding more charges…
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Vandal poisons thousands of young salmon at Oregon hatchery April 25, 2024 REEDSPORT, Ore. — Nearly 18,000 young salmon died after a vandal poured bleach into a Douglas County fish…
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Arrest Made in Hatchery Break-in

Deputies Arrest Gardiner Man in STEP Hatchery Break-In GARDINER, Ore. – A Gardiner man has been arrested in a burglary of the Gardiner, Reedsport, and Winchester Bay (GRWB) Salmon Trout Enhancement…
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Hatchery Vandalized 20,000 Fall Chinook Salmon Pre-Smolt Killed!

Sometime during the Sunday night of April 21st or early morning hours of Monday morning vandals broke into the GRWB STEP hatchery facility. They destroyed or damaged several door locks…
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2024 … Mainstream and North Fork Umpqua Rivers Closed to Wild Spring Chinook Harvest

Wild spring Chinook harvest prohibited on North and mainstem Umpqua rivers https://www.facebook.com/v8.0/plugins/like.php?action=like&app_id=268260476539516&channel=https%3A%2F%2Fstaticxx.facebook.com%2Fx%2Fconnect%2Fxd_arbiter%2F%3Fversion%3D46%23cb%3Df3fac6141571cc4%26domain%3Dwww.dfw.state.or.us%26is_canvas%3Dfalse%26origin%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.dfw.state.or.us%252Ff965e1197698c%26relation%3Dparent.parent&container_width=0&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dfw.state.or.us%2Fnews%2F2023%2F12_Dec%2F121923.asp&layout=standard&locale=en_US&sdk=joey&share=true&size=small&width= https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.2f70fb173b9000da126c79afe2098f02.en.html#dnt=false&id=twitter-widget-0&lang=en&original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dfw.state.or.us%2Fnews%2F2023%2F12_Dec%2F121923.asp&size=m&text=Wild%20spring%20Chinook%20harvest%20prohibited%20on%20North%20and%20mainstem%20Umpqua%20rivers&time=1703051502546&type=share&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dfw.state.or.us%2Fnews%2F2023%2F12_Dec%2F121923.asp December 19, 2023 ROSEBURG, Ore. – Keeping adult and jack wild spring Chinook salmon on the North and…
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The 2023 eggs harvest is complete with 250,896 eggs taken. 108,600 were sent to Elk River Hatchery to be reared to Smolt and released in the early fall of 2024.…
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Second Week of 2023 Spawning Continues

November 8, 2023 2023 Chinook Salmon Egg Harvest Continues. To date, we have sent 108,600 eggs to ODFW’s hatchery at Elk River and keeping 63,160 at the Gardiner hatchery. Eggs…
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